Thompson, Christopher Jeremy
Beyond epistemic democracy: the identification and pooling of information by groups of political agents.
PhD thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science.
This thesis addresses the mechanisms by which groups of agents can track the
truth, particularly in political situations.
I argue that the mechanisms which allow groups of agents to track the truth
operate in two stages: firstly, there are search procedures; and secondly, there
are aggregation procedures. Search procedures and aggregation procedures
work in concert. The search procedures allow agents to extract information
from the environment. At the conclusion of a search procedure the information
will be dispersed among different agents in the group. Aggregation procedures,
such as majority rule, expert dictatorship and negative reliability unanimity rule,
then pool these pieces of information into a social choice.
The institutional features of both search procedures and aggregation procedures
account for the ability of groups to track the truth and amount to social
epistemic mechanisms. Large numbers of agents are crucial for the epistemic
capacities of both search procedures and aggregation procedures.
This thesis makes two main contributions to the literature on social
epistemology and epistemic democracy. Firstly, most current accounts focus on
the Condorcet Jury Theorem and its extensions as the relevant epistemic
mechanism that can operate in groups of political agents. The introduction of
search procedures to epistemic democracy is (mostly) new. Secondly, the thesis
introduces a two-stage framework to the process of group truth-tracking. In 4
addition to showing how the two procedures of search and aggregation can
operate in concert, the framework highlights the complexity of social choice
situations. Careful consideration of different types of social choice situation
shows that different aggregation procedures will be optimal truth-trackers in
different situations. Importantly, there will be some situations in which
aggregation procedures other than majority rule will be best at tracking the
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