Vega, Hugo
Essays in applied macroeconomic theory: volatility, spreads, and unconventional monetary policy tools.
PhD thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science.
This thesis contains three essays that employ macroeconomic theory to study the implications of volatility, financial frictions and reserve requirements. The first essay uses an imperfect information model where agents solve a signal
extraction problem to study the effect of volatility on the economy. A real business cycle model where the agent faces imperfect information regarding productivity is used to
address the question. The main finding is that the variance of the productivity process components has a small negative short run impact on the economy's real variables. However, imperfect information dampens the effects of volatility associated to permanent components of productivity and amplifies the effects of volatility associated to transitory components. The second essay presents a partial equilibrium characterization of the credit market in an economy with partial financial dollarization. Financial frictions (costly state verification and banking regulation restrictions), are introduced and their impact on lending and deposit interest rates denominated in domestic and foreign currency studied. The analysis shows that reserve requirements act as a tax that leads banks to decrease deposit rates, while the wedge between foreign and domestic currency lending rates is decreasing in exchange rate volatility and increasing in the degree of correlation between entrepreneurs' returns and the exchange rate. The third essay introduces an interbank market with two types of private banks and a central bank into a New-Keynesian DSGE model. The model is used to analyse the general equilibrium effects of changes to reserve requirements, while the central bank follows a Taylor rule to set the policy interest rate. The paper shows that changes to reserve requirements have similar effects to interest rate hikes and that both monetary policy tools can be used jointly in order to avoid big swings in the policy rate or a zero bound.
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